We get that choosing a sponsor in network marketing is a very personal decision that shouldn't be taken lightly. (Check out our blog post on it...) We want to dig a little deeper into what you should be asking potential sponsors, and what you should be looking for with their answers so that YOU can feel good about what team your choosing and where you decide to focus your time on.
28/3/2022 0 Comments Becoming The ExpertBecoming an Expert is one of the best things that you can do for your Network Marketing Company. It builds trust with your online community, your customers, and your team.
Become an Expert in what? Everything about your business! It seems overwhelming at first, and it takes time. Becoming an expert is really about being a student first. You have to be willing to learn, be coachable, apply your knowledge, and be a product of the product. It’s not just about knowing the products, but knowing the ins and outs of your company, how it works, and how to lead your team to be able to do the same. So what is a Funnel?
A funnel is a step-by-step process that you put in place that your audience goes through to help you filter, capture, and convert them into sales or a new teammate! Value comes first in a Network Marketing Funnel. 28/2/2022 0 Comments OVERCOMING IMPOSTER SYNDROMEImposter syndrome is a really fascinating phenomenon and while most research I’ve read points it to be an individual issue, from my experience, it stems from being in environments where my accolades and abilities are questioned because of other people’s pre-existing biases. I did not always experience imposter syndrome but after spending 90% of my time in industries and arenas steeped in misogyny and patriarchal systems I find it very hard to accept my accolades and expertise for what they are: Absolutely great and relevant.
21/2/2022 0 Comments WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU GO VIRAL2021 was a really fun year at #glowgetternation. Both Christina and I had reels that hit 7 million and 1 million views respectively. Christina actually had multiple reels go viral and what was interesting about this was every video we had that went viral was very unique and at least 2 of them we considered to be our worst pieces of content.
Part of being an influencer online, or a social seller, is to build up trust with your audience. If you’re only recommending what you’re selling - it can look a little *biased*.
Sharing what you love isn’t just about the products you sell. It’s about the things in your life that make it easier, more fun, add value to your life, or supplement something that you are selling. These are things that will bring value to your audience's lives! Whether you have a VIP Facebook group, a business page, or share on your wall / Instagram / TikTok / YouTube, etc. People will be attracted to your content and what you have to say when you’re sharing a variety of products, brands, etc. When you recommend something that you love, they try it, they love it, they trust you. So when it comes to selling your own brand - your community already has that trust in your opinion. The most common objections we receive when people reach out about the opportunity are
1. Money and 2. Time Farmasi makes it very easy to ease the money objection as it is free to join in Canada. Most NWM companies have a reasonable start-up cost; lower than starting a brick and mortar business for sure but time is trickier because time is somewhat subjective. We all have the same amount of hours in a day so I think rather than time being the problem, the actual problem is “prioritization”. 31/1/2022 0 Comments WHY SELFIES AREN'T ENOUGHPosting selfies alone is not going to build your empire. I said what I said. A common mistake among most network marketers who are trying to sell a lifestyle is that they focus solely on posting selfies and don’t provide much else in the way of substance aside from cute song lyrics or an inspirational quote.
I am not saying you need to stop posting selfies - but you need to provide some sort of value with that selfie so that your audience feels compelled to interact, engage, and more importantly BUY. We want to convert lurkers to customers through providing value; you want a caption that starts with a question to draw the reader in, then you want to provide some context of your story and how you are able to solve the problem you are highlighting in that first question. In the spirit of customer service for your network marketing business, testimonials, reviews, and referrals are your best source for reaching new clients and customers. Word of mouth is the best kind of advertising for you. When people trust their friends' reviews, they’re more likely to purchase. Have you ever seen one of your friends on Facebook share a product that they absolutely love and see people in the comments ask for where they got it from? It’s THAT!
It's great to have a link for your followers to shop - but it's even better to have a URL that reflects your branding, and something that is easy for your customers to remember.
If you want a custom domain for your shopping link, it's relatively easy to set up. Purchase is required for the domain, but it is NOT expensive. So let's go through two different options in setting up your custom URL for your shop link! I've been trying to get into a productivity mindset at home since being laid off from my full time job in March 2020 (Pandemic Related). I've always been productive doing side hustle things at home but I've never had to work "full time" from home. So this has been new territory for me, as I'm sure it has been for a lot of us this past summer. This also applies to those of you who are transitioning from a full time job to working full time at home (Congratulations!) So if you're struggling with productivity working from home, read this. I wanted to share my top few tips that have been a game changer for me working from home full time.
24/8/2020 0 Comments Top 5 Tips to Resell on PoshmarkI used to work at a place where I could purchase clothing at wholesale prices. We're talking $40 for a $180 jacket. $4 for a high end tshirt. $20 for a brand name gym bag. Heck, I even bought a snowboard at wholesale price. This caused an abundance of things. My walk in closet was so jam packed with stuff that I did not have ANY room to even browse through the items. So about 5 years ago I decided I was going to purge. I sold a bag of clothes for $50 and I donated some things to a second hand store. Perfect. Over the years I dwindled down little by little but I still kept buying more. Since this Pandemic hit and losing my job, I've been sitting at home in this mess of stuff and I needed it to be gone. I am so sick of looking at it and I didn't want to deal with the hassle of selling on Facebook Marketplace, so I discovered Poshmark and off I went. This is what I've learned...
Christina here! With almost 9 years working in graphic design, "classically trained", as I like to say, in the art of Adobe programs, photoshop, indesign & illustrator, I've been able to create high quality graphics for my business over the course of the years. The great thing about technology now a days is that people are creating tools and apps that make is so much more efficient for ANYONE to use and make their own graphics. Now, we all can't be designers with the eyes for great quality graphics (I've seen some TERRIBLE graphics out there for marketing, unfortunately) but I can guide you to the best tools and practices for creating and using graphics for your business.
Here is the deal: You're a business owner in the sea of other business owners online and you're struggling to be seen, heard and taken seriously. This 5 part blog series will take you through strategies to show up online. It IS possible to stand out and be noticed. Some of you may take this information and run with it, some will read it and never implement the strategies into their business. I am urging you to take this info and run with it. We want you to succeed, but the choice is yours to put the work into your business. The goal is to not only become more visible online and seen as the expert in your field, but you want to be able to turn the relationships with people and leads into paying clients.
So are you ready to go all in? If so.. Read on! Here is the deal: You're a business owner in the sea of other business owners online and you're struggling to be seen, heard and taken seriously. This 5 part blog series will take you through strategies to show up online. It IS possible to stand out and be noticed. Some of you may take this information and run with it, some will read it and never implement the strategies into their business. I am urging you to take this info and run with it. We want you to succeed, but the choice is yours to put the work into your business. The goal is to not only become more visible online and seen as the expert in your field, but you want to be able to turn the relationships with people and leads into paying clients.
So are you ready to go all in? If so.. Read on! Here is the deal: You're a business owner in the sea of other business owners online and you're struggling to be seen, heard and taken seriously. This 5 part blog series will take you through strategies to show up online. It IS possible to stand out and be noticed. Some of you may take this information and run with it, some will read it and never implement the strategies into their business. I am urging you to take this info and run with it. We want you to succeed, but the choice is yours to put the work into your business. The goal is to not only become more visible online and seen as the expert in your field, but you want to be able to turn the relationships with people and leads into paying clients.
So are you ready to go all in? If so.. Read on! The most common objection I have to overcome in this business is ‘I don’t have time.’
What? This is usually before I’ve even told them what building a future entails. I work 8-4 Monday to Friday, I have a family, and I like to have time for myself, because Netflix sure isn’t going to watch itself. I work my business one hour a day. That’s it. When you think about it, that’s 4.2% of my day that I dedicate to income producing activities and the rest of the 23 hours I’m doing other things. But, did you know that simply having coffee with you friend is relationship building and even though you may not mention your business, you are still fostering a relationship that could and probably will contribute to your business in the future?
You're in the business of people and your existing customers are your #1 source of income whether they are purchasing from you or eventually taking on the business themselves with you as their sponsor. As a network marketer you always want to expand your network, but at the same time you have to keep your existing ones strong. Your customer service skills need to be fine tuned to do so! It's what keeps people coming back to you, even though someone else they know might be selling the same thing. The best part of these skills is that they can be learned and made habitual by following these 10 Practices for Customer Service in Network Marketing (or anywhere, really!)
CONTRIBUTORSChristina Burke Categories
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