28/3/2022 0 Comments Becoming The ExpertBecoming an Expert is one of the best things that you can do for your Network Marketing Company. It builds trust with your online community, your customers, and your team. Become an Expert in what? Everything about your business! It seems overwhelming at first, and it takes time. Becoming an expert is really about being a student first. You have to be willing to learn, be coachable, apply your knowledge, and be a product of the product. It’s not just about knowing the products, but knowing the ins and outs of your company, how it works, and how to lead your team to be able to do the same. 1. Product Knowledge
Being an expert in your products is VITAL to your business. Not only does it help you with your customers, but it will allow you to share that knowledge with your team when they have questions as well. You bring value to your community when you’re able to give them suggestions based on their needs, building that trust! 2. Be a Product of the Product This is one of the first things I ever learned about Network Marketing and Direct Sales. Be an expert in how the product works. You’ll be able to answer questions with first hand experience of the products and give honest reviews. If you’re not using and loving the products yourself, how would you expect anyone else to? 3. Learn, Practice, Grow - Repeat It’s one thing to use the products and know about them - it’s another thing to be able to use the product and know how to use it properly. In the case of Farmasi - knowing makeup application techniques & trends, skincare routine steps, which brushes to use for what etc. Will bring a WHOLE other level to your customer service and your social media content. This all ties in to bringing value to your audience and attraction marketing- building up that like, know, and trust value of your social media presence. Learn through tutorials, practice techniques, get better and repeat! 4. Study The Compensation Plan Knowing the ins and outs of how you get paid will help you set goals for you and your team. Not ONLY for your team, but when you’re faced with questions about the compensation plan from potential new team mates, you’ll be able to answer them confidently. Again, building that TRUST!! 5. Get Acquainted With your Back Office Knowing where to find information and find it quickly in your back office will ease frustration while spending time working on your business. You’ll spend less time searching for things so you can focus the majority of your time on income producing activities. When you focus on becoming an expert, you will be an expert. You build up trust in those around you whether it’s your online community, your teammates, or your customers. When people trust you and the knowledge that you bring, they will trust your reviews and recommendations no matter what they may be! Being the expert ties in with creating content, bringing value to your audience, attraction marketing and leading your team to success. What are you going to do today to become the expert?
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