We get that choosing a sponsor in network marketing is a very personal decision that shouldn't be taken lightly. (Check out our blog post on it...) We want to dig a little deeper into what you should be asking potential sponsors, and what you should be looking for with their answers so that YOU can feel good about what team your choosing and where you decide to focus your time on.
Christina here! With almost 9 years working in graphic design, "classically trained", as I like to say, in the art of Adobe programs, photoshop, indesign & illustrator, I've been able to create high quality graphics for my business over the course of the years. The great thing about technology now a days is that people are creating tools and apps that make is so much more efficient for ANYONE to use and make their own graphics. Now, we all can't be designers with the eyes for great quality graphics (I've seen some TERRIBLE graphics out there for marketing, unfortunately) but I can guide you to the best tools and practices for creating and using graphics for your business.
Law of Attraction is a funny thing; I always used to think it was complete and utter Bullshit until one time I tried using it for good and it worked. Of course, it was something small, a parking spot. That was something I could chalk up to sheer coincidence. I did this every time I went out; lo and behold, I now get good parking everywhere I go.
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February 2024