We get that choosing a sponsor in network marketing is a very personal decision that shouldn't be taken lightly. (Check out our blog post on it...) We want to dig a little deeper into what you should be asking potential sponsors, and what you should be looking for with their answers so that YOU can feel good about what team your choosing and where you decide to focus your time on. 1. What resources are available for your team to help them succeed?
Success in Network Marketing is ultimately your responsibility, but having not only a supportive sponsor, but a supportive team can help propel you further and faster into the success that you are looking for. It better prepares you with the knowledge and learning resources available so that you don't have to go searching for it. Have they taken the time to set their teams up for success? Do they have access to their uplines and what they provide the team? Do they have a team group set up for everyone to learn from? What #glowgetternation has to provide their team to set them up for success:
If a potential sponsor can't answer these questions, it's ok. Sometimes someone is new and hasn't established themselves yet. It's important to as if they have an upline that is supportive of them that also has these kinds of resources! 2. How familiar are you with the compensation plan? If someone doesn't know how they are getting paid, how can you expect them to help you get compensated the way you want to be compensated. They should be able to guide you on how to build your business according to your goals. Are you wanting to make a couple extra hundred a month or are you going full out career? Knowing how familiar your potential sponsor is with the compensation plan reveals a few things: How seriously they are taking the business How dedicated they are to making their business work How dedicated they are to helping others understand how the compensation plan works Not knowing the compensation plan can be a potential red flag. If they say they don't know, but let's learn it together... A+! They want to take the time to help you. 3. What is your team culture like? This is a huge question for me. If everyone is supportive, kind, uplifting, caring, positive, real, ready to help, etc. That is a great team culture. It's no secret that Direct Sales can be pretty cutthroat and negative at times in the wrong environment. If everyone is sharing tips, tricks, and business strategies - even if they're not on the same team - this is great news! When everyone wants everyone to succeed - that is what's important. I would also ask what is most important to them as a sponsor when it comes to the team culture. You don't want to be stuck with a sponsor and a team that is negative all the time. 4. How much do you suggest I invest monthly into my business? This question will also reveal a lot about your sponsors intentions. Do they just want you to join their team for the group volume? They might answer with - make sure you're spending enough to be active every month. Or are they wanting you to build your business without having to spend more than necessary? They might answer with - These are the product kits that are available. What is your budget for initially investing? We want to make sure that you have enough product that you can use and show off and the product kits are an amazing way to get a lot of product at a steeper discount. This way, you'll invest once and when it comes to sharing them we can make it a goal to sell enough to be active every month. It's important to invest into your business but let's make a budget that fits with your income at the moment so you're not over spending and you're focusing on working your business! This answer will show how much they care about YOUR success over theirs. 5. What do you suggest for how I expand my network of people? Network Marketing is just that. Networking. Gone are the days of cold messaging people and in are the days of attraction marketing on social media. If someone tells you to message all of your friends and family - that is a big no no. RED FLAG. We want to be able to expand our network organically by making genuine connections and building relationships. To do that through attraction marketing means that we have to put some work in to curating our social media specifically for the audience that we want to attract to us. It may put us out of our comfort zones, but that's the beauty of GROWTH in this industry. In person networking and conversations in person are still huge! Pay attention to how your potential sponsor expands their network. Ask what they do. How are they successful? Through these questions you should be able to get a really good (or bad) gut feeling about the person you are looking at to be your sponsor. If you have a great relationship with this person already, it's more than likely a no brainer. But if you're interested in the company before you find a sponsor, these questions can really help you choose the right person for you and YOUR business. xoxo, Christina If you'd like to choose us as your Farmasi Sponsor please sign up here:
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