In the spirit of customer service for your network marketing business, testimonials, reviews, and referrals are your best source for reaching new clients and customers. Word of mouth is the best kind of advertising for you. When people trust their friends' reviews, they’re more likely to purchase. Have you ever seen one of your friends on Facebook share a product that they absolutely love and see people in the comments ask for where they got it from? It’s THAT! We know that the fortune is in the follow-up. When you are selling any products, no matter how small or big of an order - you need to have a follow-up system in place. Whether it’s a notebook, google sheet, word document, or whatever works best for YOU to be able to keep track of your customer orders, the tracking number, and when the product is delivered so you know exactly when to follow up with your customers.
As you can see, this process is a cycle of social selling! Customers that give you testimonials are the most trusted by their friends. Don’t be afraid to ASK for them. More than likely they would be happy to help you with your business when you’re giving them excellent customer service. Check out our post about Customer Service Here. When you’re using this method, your sales will become a domino effect and when executed consistently - you’ll have plenty of customers that you can offer the opportunity to. When they already love the products, it’s so much easier to let them know that they can get 50% off what they’re purchasing and 50% commission when they share the products for themselves. To save money and make money is a BLESSING that many people could use <3 If you’re looking for an opportunity we have one right here for you with Farmasi. Free in Canada and $19.99 in the US. xoxo Christina
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