You're in the business of people and your existing customers are your #1 source of income whether they are purchasing from you or eventually taking on the business themselves with you as their sponsor. As a network marketer you always want to expand your network, but at the same time you have to keep your existing ones strong. Your customer service skills need to be fine tuned to do so! It's what keeps people coming back to you, even though someone else they know might be selling the same thing. The best part of these skills is that they can be learned and made habitual by following these 10 Practices for Customer Service in Network Marketing (or anywhere, really!)
1. Follow Up
This is the #1 Golden Rule to customer service and keeping in touch with your current customers and clients. Customers will keep coming back to you because you care and want to take care of them by putting their interests and needs first. I use the Follow 3 Rule:
2. Thank You Cards Showing appreciation to your customers with a card and a hand written note is the cherry on top of a completed order. When you take the time to thank customers personally with a hand written note it shows that they MATTER to you and that you truly do appreciate their business. Purchase some or print custom ones, but ALWAYS hand write a personal message. 3. Keep Customers Informed Letting your customers know about monthly deals, flash sales and business opportunities ties in with rule #1. When you follow up with customers, you can include a sale, flash sale or business opportunity in the message. Relaying this information to them is putting their interests and needs first. There are many ways to keep your customers informed. Here are a few ideas:
4. Regular Customer Incentives A big part of customer service is offering your returning customers an incentive to keep coming back. Punch cards like "buy 7, get one free", spend $X amount and get $X amount free.. etc. A lot of NWM companies offer this in the form of 'Party Rewards', but you can also offer your own incentives. 5. Do the Work for the Customer Make the whole experience easy for the customer. I mean this in a few different ways:
6. Ask for Referrals This one might seem weird to be in a list of 'Customer Service Practices' but it is actually one of the best things you can do for your business. I consider it a customer service because it is the ultimate compliment from a customer to refer your services to others. It means that you have provided an excellent amount of customer service to them that they trust you to take care of the people that they care about. THIS. IS. HUGE. Not only does it validate your excellent customer service, it also expands your network. Don't be afraid to ask for referrals, whether it be in your follow up messages or even in conversation. 7. Positive Attitude Having a positive attitude comes with a few other essential qualities to have when serving customers. I call these 'All the P's':
8. Clear Communication Clarity isn’t just important for making your customer feel good. It can also make a big impact on your bottom line. What if you could send one less email per support interaction because you didn’t have to clarify anything that your customer didn’t understand the first time? One tip that I find helpful is to think about how I would explain the instructions or problem to a five-year old. Obviously: Be respectful and don’t actually treat your customers like children. This is about using simple, easy-to-understand language. Not only will this lessen frustration, but it will make the experience easier and quicker for everyone! 9. Listen Communicating effectively also means being able to listen. Not just hearing when your customer has to say, but really listening to understand their problem or need. How are you supposed to suggest products to them if you don't know what problem they are trying to solve? You don't sell a compact car to someone who is looking for a sport SUV utility vehicle for camping. Maybe they have a budget of $50. You wouldn't want to suggest something to them that is $150. If you ask the right questions and listen carefully to the answers, you will be able to suggest the best products. 10. Product Knowledge Know the ins and outs of how your product works, just like a customer who uses it everyday would, or at least know where to obtain the information in a split second. Sometimes it's difficult to know everything about everything, but knowing where to find the information quickly is almost just as good. Without product knowledge or experience, you won't know how to help customers find the perfect product when they run into issues. Be a product of the product! Keeping your customers happy means being responsive to their needs and wants. A good customer service experience can turn a one-time customer into a lifelong repeat customer or a business partner. People like to share their good experiences. Excellent customer service can turn into positive word of mouth! It's all about building and maintaining positive relationships! I hope these 10 practices will help you build stronger relationships with your customers and business partners <3 Christina
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